What Is Attachment Parenting?

7 years ago

Attachment parenting is a pedagogical concept that is love-oriented and encourages intense physical contact between the child and the mother. It…

How Swinging Benefits Children: Positive Parenting Solutions

7 years ago

Besides being held, rocking is another integral movement that comforts babies. The rhythmic and gentle motions are a part of…

The Benefits of Infant Formulas with Prebiotic Supplements

7 years ago

Prebiotics are dietary supplements designed to regulate the composition of gut microbiota, which can benefit people’s health. Galactooligosaccharides (GOS), oligofructose…

What Is Authoritarian Parenting?

7 years ago

Authoritarian parenting is a type of parenting characterized by high demands and very little nurturing from the parents to their…

How to Nurture Your Baby’s Brain through Responsive and Godly Parenting

7 years ago

Parents are very much concerned with their babies’ physical comfort and nutrition because they want their children to become healthy…

Is the Size of My Premature Baby’s Head Normal?

7 years ago

Mothers of premature children are often understandably concerned about whether or not their babies are growing normally, especially when it…

Costly Diapering Mistakes and Positive Parenting Solutions

7 years ago

Positive parenting solutions are needed for various parenting challenges. Putting diapers on a newborn seems like a straightforward and easy…

Scientists Find a Solution for Cow’s Milk Protein Allergy in Infants

7 years ago

Cow’s milk protein allergy is the result of an abnormal immune reaction to one or more proteins in cow’s milk.…

What Is Your Infant Really Getting through Breast Milk?

7 years ago

Breastfeeding is the most beautiful act between a mother and her child. But have you ever wondered what nutrients a…

What Is Authoritative Parenting?

7 years ago

Authoritative parenting is child-centered; the parents are close with their children, maintain high expectations for behavior and performance, and adhere…

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