Simple Ways to Prevent Pelvic Floor Disorders

7 years ago

About 25 percent of women in the United States suffer from pelvic floor disorders (PFD), which include pelvic organ prolapse…

Vitamins C and E Prevent Thalassemia Complications

7 years ago

Millions of people, especially Southeast Asians, are affected by beta thalassemia, a disease characterized by abnormal synthesis of hemoglobin followed…

What Are My Most Fertile Days?

7 years ago

A woman who is familiar with the fertile window concept and wants to get pregnant may find herself wondering, “What…

Urinary Tract Infections in Mothers and Possible Heart Defects in Newborns

7 years ago

Congenital cardiovascular malformations are, unfortunately, frequent and serious birth defects that occur in 10 out of every 1,000 live births.…

Can You Get Pregnant on the Twenty-first Day of Your Cycle?

7 years ago

Getting pregnant on the twenty-first day of the menstrual cycle is entirely dependent on the woman’s particular cycle. Most women…

How Is Pregnancy Due Date Calculated?

7 years ago

A woman who is pregnant for the first time may wonder how the pregnancy due date is calculated. The pregnancy…

What Is the Safest Time to Have Sex without Getting Pregnant?

7 years ago

The safest time for any woman to have sex without getting pregnant would be the time outside of her fertile…

What Not to Eat during Pregnancy

7 years ago

Both what to eat and what not to eat during pregnancy are valid concerns for pregnant women. The delivery of…

Are DHA Supplements Beneficial For Mothers?

7 years ago

Docosahexaenoic acid (DHA), a long-chain polyunsaturated fatty acid (LCPUFA), accumulates in the brain during the first two years of life…

Why Children Like Salty Foods

7 years ago

Salt intake has been widely studied in animals. It is not known if similar mechanisms could occur in humans, but…

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