Parenting FAQs

What Is Planned Parenting?

Planned parenting refers to those parents who consciously make the effort to get pregnant and have a child. Parenting is the process of rearing a child from infancy to adulthood. While some women get pregnant unexpectedly or accidentally, some parents actually plan on having a baby. This study discusses planned parenting in more detail. 

Advantages of Planned Parenting

Parents who choose to have a baby have their own reasons for doing so. The important thing is that the parents make an informed choice. Some advantages of planned parenting include:

  1. Preparedness. In planned parenting, the parents are more prepared to become parents. When there are no surprises, the parents are psychologically ready, and the baby is received with open arms.
  2. Provision. It is easier to provide adequately for a family when the parents plan ahead. It gives parents time to consider all their needs and to make sure they are able to fulfill them. Thus, their children are less likely to lack basic necessities.
  3. Postnatal stress and depression. Parents who did not plan for a pregnancy are prone to guilt and regret, which causes stress and depression that could also affect their children in the process. Planned parenting helps avoid these issues.
  4. Emotional support. Parents who are prepared for a family are more available for their children. The parents are happier because they look forward to having children. They also readily express love and affection, which means their children are also happy and emotionally stable.
  5. Good parenting styles. Planned parenting is synonymous with good parenting styles. The parents are often more nurturing, and they value spending time with their children. They are totally invested in their children’s lives and thus naturally apply the best parenting styles.

Methods of Planned Parenting

Planned parenting essentially means a planned family. Planning a family involves the parents as well as specialists who guide the parents through the process of planned parenting. Most parents use contraceptives and stop only when they want to have a baby. Other parents practice abstinence until they are ready to have a baby. Consult a specialist for more information about family planning.


Planned parenting is the only way to reduce teenage pregnancies and to ensure parents are prepared to have a family. It has many physical and psychological advantages, as outlined here.  Planned parenting starts with planned pregnancy and relevant information. Parenting education must be available to all parents. The main goal of planned parenting is to provide the necessary skills and effective strategies so that parents are ready to take on the demanding and engaging job of raising a child.


Chandra, Anjani, Gladys M. Martinez, William D. Mosher, Joyce C. Abma, and Jo Jones. “Fertility, Family Planning, and Reproductive Health of U.S. Women: Data from the 2002 National Survey of Family Growth.” Vital and Health Statistics 23, no. 25 (2005). Retrieved from

Farrow, Alexandra, M. G. R. Hull, K. Northstone, H. Taylor, W. C. L. Ford, and Jean Golding. “Prolonged Use of Oral Contraception before a Planned Pregnancy Is Associated with a Decreased Risk of Delayed Conception.” Human Reproduction 17, no. 10 (2002): 2754–2761. Retrieved from


Roselia Shi

Hello! I am Roselia Shi, mom to a feisty two+ years old girl named Tara. We live in Newport, Arkansas. I enjoy solving everyday health and parenting problems. I have a university degree in allied health sciences. I started exploring science-based parenting soon after Tara was born. Parenting Science is a small attempt to share some useful information and insights about responsive parenting.

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