Parenting FAQs

Why Should Parents Take Parenting Classes?

Parents should take parenting classes in an effort to do everything they can to help their children reach their full potential. Indeed, parenting classes are a rising trend among parents in today’s world. They have many advantages as well as disadvantages, but their main goal is to better equip parents with up-to-date parenting skills and practices.

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These classes are not restricted to first-time parents; even experienced parents should enroll in order to adapt to the ever-changing parenting world. According to this research, parenting has many requirements, and parenting classes may help parents feel confident in every step they take.

Benefits of Attending Parenting Classes

  1. Parental confidence. Confidence is the basis of good parenting, and parenting classes can provide it. Children look to their parents in order to know what to do. If the parents are confident, it will be evident to their children as well, which will earn the children’s trust and respect.
  2. Be up-to-date. Parenting keeps evolving and advancing over time. Therefore, parents need to know which of the latest parenting practices actually work and which archaic parenting approaches they may need to stop using. Parents will learn about new research and studies in parenting classes.
  3. Learn the basics. Being a first-time parent can be quite stressful because the parents may not know what to do and how to do it. The stress can even drive some parents into depression. Parenting classes teach the basics and help parents learn what to expect and how to handle the responsibilities.
  4. For support. In parenting classes, students will meet other parents, and this support network will help ease the stress of parenting and bring together people who are going through similar situations.
  5. Know your child. Not all children are the same. Parenting classes will show parents how to effectively handle each child based on his or her personality.

Why Shouldn’t Parents Take Parenting Classes?

  1. Most parents find the classes boring because they focus on societal expectations instead of individual parenting strategies.
  2. Some parents feel exposed and judged when they have to open up about their parenting strategies and their children when asking for advice.
  3. Some parents believe the classes are a waste of time and money because they end up learning what they already know, or because the teachings do not apply to them as parents.
  4. The methods taught in parenting classes may not work for some parents or their children because the class or its teacher does not address the family’s specific case.

Parenting classes and workshops may not work for everybody, but the choice nevertheless should be regarded as a vital, personal decision for each family, especially first-time parents. All parents need to at least learn the basics in order to give their children the best possible chance at a successful life. Parenting classes, according to some studies, have been proven to work for some parents, so embracing them may lead to positive results.


  • McVittie, Jody, and Al M. Best. “The Impact of Adlerian-Based Parenting Classes on Self-Reported Parental Behavior.” The Journal of Individual Psychology 65, no. 3 (2009): 264–285. Retrieved from
  • Gillies, Val. “Parenting, Class and Culture: Exploring the Context of Childrearing.” Community Practitioner 79, no. 4 (2006): 114–117. Retrieved from
Tags: Education
Roselia Shi

Hello! I am Roselia Shi, mom to a feisty two+ years old girl named Tara. We live in Newport, Arkansas. I enjoy solving everyday health and parenting problems. I have a university degree in allied health sciences. I started exploring science-based parenting soon after Tara was born. Parenting Science is a small attempt to share some useful information and insights about responsive parenting.

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