Helicopter Parenting

Helicopter parenting is a caregiving style that is characterized by paying close attention to your child. The parent tends to get involved in almost everything the child does, be it school or normal life. Both success and failures can be attached to the parent. Lots of research on this topic has already been done, and some are in the process. This section will focus on the available studies to explore the concepts of helicopter parenting or hovering. Besides the general information, the section will discuss the merits and demerits of the parenting style, its effects on the children and suggest the best alternatives to the style.

Why Helicopter Parenting Is Bad

Helicopter parenting occurs when parents pay extremely close attention to the activities, actions, and problems of their children. As the…

7 years ago

How to Stop Helicopter Parenting

In helicopter parenting, the parents continually hover over and around their children, either directly or indirectly, regardless of where they…

7 years ago

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