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Top Books on Montessori Education and Parenting

How To Raise An Amazing Child the Montessori Way Author: Tim Seldin, President of The Montessori Foundation The author compiled this book as of his personal experience as a young child, as a father, as a Montessori guide, and as something of a coach to many families who have sought a better way to raise their children in a spirit of kindness, partnership, and respect. If you have a young child and are eager for a fresh perspective and some practical suggestions, then this book is for you. It is filled not only with ideas for activities to do together,

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Is Bifidobacteria Good for My Infant?

Bifidobacteria is a kind of anaerobic (i.e., lives without oxygen) bacteria that normally inhabit people’s gut and help with food digestion. Bifidobacteria are one of the major genera of bacteria that make

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  • Many experts wonder if there is a way to prevent asthma in infancy due to the significant increase in asthma cases worldwide in the past twenty-five years. One of the most affected

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  • Despite the numerous control and prevention measures available, the incidence of asthma has not diminished. Some of the most studied and recommended preventive strategies include avoiding dust mite allergens, prolonging breastfeeding, and

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Delayed Speech and Language Development in Toddlers

Delayed speech and language development in toddlers is something that haunts many parents. Seeing their child struggling with words like “mama” and “dada” when other children of the same age are already chatterboxes causes many parents to panic and rush to pediatricians for help. But children learn at different paces. Although all


Do Massages Help Newborns with Low Birth Weight?

Newborns with low birth weight are vulnerable to a significant number of diseases during early childhood. If not treated properly, some diseases can cause permanent complications, including neurological, behavioral, immunological, and respiratory disorders. Observational reports indicate that children with low birth weight tend to be more reactive to external stimuli

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