
Active parenting is a recipe that defines how the child will behave in their adult life. Parenting styles can differ from individual to individual. First-time parents get a lot of advice on parenting. Some of the advice is to be there for your child all the time, no matter what. Some of them tend to smother their children with too much attention in the name of being there for them. The question is how can you be a caring and a concerned parent without hovering over your child all the time? This section will outline the necessary information on parenting styles that are helpful in avoiding excessive hovering. It will also discuss in details the negative effects of helicopter parenting on the child.

Why Helicopter Parenting Is Bad

Helicopter parenting occurs when parents pay extremely close attention to the activities, actions, and problems of their children. As the…

7 years ago

How to Stop Helicopter Parenting

In helicopter parenting, the parents continually hover over and around their children, either directly or indirectly, regardless of where they…

7 years ago

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