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Toddler - Page 2

Your child would go through different phases of growths, and each phase has its own mysteries, rewards as well as challenges. Use this section on Toddlers to get up-to-date, time-tested, research-based advice and positive parenting solutions related to raising a healthy and well-adjusted toddler. As your toddler achieves a degree of independence, he or she may exhibit eating, sleeping or small health problems or behavioral issues from time to time that need to be dealt with and resolved in a loving and patient manner by parents and caregivers. On the upside, your toddler would be more expressive and generous with his love and attention and would expect and demand the same from you. There would be a degree of independence in terms of eating, going to the washroom and an active interest in playing and learning. In fact, the child is ready to go the preschool and step out in the world in a big way.
Iron Supplements During Pregnancy

Will My Child Be Smarter If I Take Iron Supplements during Pregnancy? Effect of Iron Supplementation during Pregnancy on the Intelligence Quotient and Behavior of Children at 4 Years of Age: Long-Term Follow-Up of a Randomized Controlled Trial

Taking iron as a nutritional supplement is a common practice during pregnancy. In fact, it is recommended by most health institutions around the world. However, experts are divided about whether iron should be
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1 Montessori Parenting

What Is Montessori Parenting?

The Montessori method is an educational philosophy and approach to teaching developed by Dr. Maria Montessori, an Italian physician and educator, in
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