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This is the condition where the child cries more hours than expected for unfathomable reasons. This crying occurs mostly in the evening, and at times it may not have a specific reason in an otherwise healthy infant. The colic condition may be a result of many things. A baby afflicted with this condition may be highly upsetting to the parent.  Sometimes the parent might feel angry and irritated by the baby’s incessant cries and fail to understand how to respond to its distress at this time. This section will inform the parents about some of the causes of colic in the infants and ways to control this condition.
Gas or Colic…Which One Does Your Baby Have And How to Find Relief
April 23, 2018

Does My Baby Have Gas or Colic?

While gas can cause discomfort and pain in babies, colic is more intense. Colic in babies causes prolonged crying episodes that may be associated with severe abdominal pain. Gas, on the other hand, is a general term, and it can be a symptom of colic. Gas versus Colic Colic generally

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1 Montessori Parenting

What Is Montessori Parenting?

The Montessori method is an educational philosophy and approach to teaching developed by Dr. Maria Montessori, an Italian physician and educator, in
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