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Permissive Parenting - Page 2

Permissive parenting, also known as indulgent parenting, is one of the four parenting styles recognized by psychology. As the term implies, in permissive parenting, children get whatever they want whenever they want it, and they are generally allowed to do anything they desire. Permissive parents are more like friends to their children rather than parents. They show excessive love and provide very few and inconsistent rules. Children have a lot of freedom and minimal guidance or behavioral expectations. Therefore, permissive parenting normally produces spoiled children since they are never punished and don’t receive behavioral guidance. Because the children grow up believing they can do and have whatever they want, they are a lot more immature and aggressive than their peers. They also tend to be poor decision-makers because they receive little help or guidance. Some children end up frustrated and depressed and, consequently, may turn to delinquency and substance abuse. Children of permissive parents perform poorly compared to their peers in many aspects. They may have trouble coping with life as adults.
May 28, 2018

What Are Parenting Styles?

The term parenting style refers to the combination of strategies employed to raise children. John Locke, an English philosopher in 1689, proposed that children are born with a “tabula rasa,” or a blank slate, by which parents could transmit their values or beliefs to their children. How parents transmit their
Indulgent Paraenting

What Is Indulgent Parenting?

Indulgent parenting, also known as permissive parenting, is one of the four parenting styles defined by psychologists. In indulgent parenting, parents tend to be very lenient and sometimes excessively loving toward their
What are Different Parenting Styles?

What Are the Different Parenting Styles?

July 6, 2018
Parents use different parenting styles to raise their children. A parenting style is the particular way in which parents bring up their children and provide for their needs. Every parent raises their
Child rearing

What Is Child-Rearing?

May 31, 2018
Child-rearing, also known as parenting, is the process of bringing up children from infancy to adulthood and providing for all their needs. Child-rearing involves training children by punishing wrong behavior and rewarding

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1 Montessori Parenting

What Is Montessori Parenting?

The Montessori method is an educational philosophy and approach to teaching developed by Dr. Maria Montessori, an Italian physician and educator, in
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