The Effects of Vitamin B12 Deficiency on Breastfeeding Women and Their Children Vitamin B-12 Concentrations in Breast Milk Are Low and Are Not Associated with Reported Household Hunger, Recent Animal-Source Food, or Vitamin B-12 Intake in Women in Rural Kenya


It is important to supplement the maternal diet with certain vitamins, such as vitamin B12, during pregnancy and lactation. But in some areas, especially in underdeveloped countries, vitamin supplements are not available,

Should You Take Vitamin D Supplements While Breastfeeding? Oral Supplementation of Parturient Mothers with Vitamin D and Its Effect on 25OHD Status of Exclusively Breastfed Infants at 6 Months of Age: A Double-Blind Randomized Placebo Controlled Trial


Exclusive breastfeeding during the first six months of life is universally recommended, but some critics of this practice claim that many breastfed children, especially in developing countries, suffer from vitamin D deficiency

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