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Scientific Study in Plain Language - Page 4

Scientific studies are usually the most authentic source of information on any subject, including parenting, because they are based on an extensive degree of research from a highly qualified person having a degree of specialization or authority on the said subject. However, it isn’t easy for a parent, with average knowledge, to effectively understand the results of a research, as the language is highly academic or scientific and not written in a user friendly way for common readers. Thus, there is a need to bridge the gap of understanding, and articles that stem from scientific knowledge and findings on a particular subject are very helpful as they are the result of meticulous investigation. They not only help the parents and average readers understand an issue but help them know what are the research findings and results on a particular subject. This kind of authentic knowledge helps parents in making parenting related decisions in an informed way, as opposed to the trial and error method, guesswork, or doing opinion based parenting.
The Role of Object Functions for Deferred Imitation- Do Infants Selectively Retain and Forget Actions?
July 7, 2018

How Children Learn by Imitation and Example

Imitation—the act of observing and copying the actions of others—is the most important mechanism of learning for infants, toddlers, and young children. Several studies have analyzed different patterns by which children imitate actions. One study showed that children not only imitate actions immediately after observing them, but they also reproduce
Multiple Micronutrient Supplementation or Just Iron and Folic Acid

Is Multiple Micronutrient Supplementation More Effective Than Iron and Folic Acid? Prenatal Multiple Micronutrient Supplementation Has Greater Impact on Birthweight Than Supplementation with Iron and Folic Acid: A Cluster-Randomized, Double-Blind, Controlled Programmatic Study in Rural Niger

July 26, 2018
The micronutrient intake of pregnant women may be insufficient, especially in underdeveloped countries. Thus, nutritional supplements are necessary, but some of them have proven inefficient. Maternal nutrient deficiency has been linked to
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1 Montessori Parenting

What Is Montessori Parenting?

The Montessori method is an educational philosophy and approach to teaching developed by Dr. Maria Montessori, an Italian physician and educator, in
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