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Vitamin C

Vitamin C, also called ascorbic acid, can be found in particular foods and food supplements.  Vitamin C is useful in the treatment of scurvy, a sickness caused by a lack of vitamin C in the body. A lack of vitamin C causes weakness, fatigue, and soreness in the arms and legs. The condition should be treated as a medical emergency because a person’s health may deteriorate rapidly. Complications include decreased blood levels in the body, bleeding gums, and sometimes bleeding on the skin. Scurvy also slows the healing of wounds. intake of ascorbic acid is the surest treatment of vitamin C deficiency. It also helps strengthen immunity. Medication is administered via injection or oral tablets. However, doses should be regulated since large doses of vitamin C can cause migraines, anxiety, and sleep deprivation.
Parenting Research Summaries
July 17, 2018

Vitamins C and E Prevent Thalassemia Complications

Millions of people, especially Southeast Asians, are affected by beta thalassemia, a disease characterized by abnormal synthesis of hemoglobin followed by excessive extravascular hemolysis. Patients with beta thalassemia major have severe hemolysis and must receive regular blood transfusions and iron chelation therapy. Without iron chelation treatment, iron overload occurs because

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What Is Montessori Parenting?

The Montessori method is an educational philosophy and approach to teaching developed by Dr. Maria Montessori, an Italian physician and educator, in
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