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Summary of Scientific Studies - Page 18

There can be a lot of scientific studies on a given topic and subject, each unique in its own way, with distinct findings. Same is the case of studies done on effective parenting and dealing with a vast number of pediatric issues, which can be really helpful for parents with panache for scientific knowledge and way of doing things. However, busy parents often find it hard to go through this kind of scientific knowledge because of lack of time and energy and patience. Therefore, a precise and concise summary of lots of relevant and recent scientific studies of merit in the form of a single article or several articles can be very helpful for busy parents seeking scientific parenting advice. This kind of a summary combines a diverse viewpoint in a cohesive form and can help the parents understand all the dimensions and possibilities, the pros and cons related to a particular parenting issue or problem.
The Role of Object Functions for Deferred Imitation- Do Infants Selectively Retain and Forget Actions?
July 7, 2018

How Children Learn by Imitation and Example

Imitation—the act of observing and copying the actions of others—is the most important mechanism of learning for infants, toddlers, and young children. Several studies have analyzed different patterns by which children imitate actions. One study showed that children not only imitate actions immediately after observing them, but they also reproduce

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1 Montessori Parenting

What Is Montessori Parenting?

The Montessori method is an educational philosophy and approach to teaching developed by Dr. Maria Montessori, an Italian physician and educator, in
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