What Is Good Parenting?

4 mins read

The process of raising a happy, wise, and healthy child is a significant challenge considering the different dynamics involved, but parenting is rewarding when done right. Hence, parents worldwide look for the most effective approaches to ensure that they raise their kids correctly.

Parenting is one of the most researched topics in the field of social science. No matter which parenting style is used or the concerns involved, it’s always advisable to get some guidance from experts on pediatric issues in order to learn the best practices for child growth.

Characteristics of Good Parenting

Most researchers and practitioners recommend the following techniques to promote physical and cognitive growth and development in children.

  1. Consistency and positivity. While children are still young, it is challenging for them to understand rules and responsibilities. Nevertheless, consistent guidance will teach children how to behave and how to perform certain tasks, whether it’s bathing, making the bed, or waking up and preparing for the day. Parents must be confident that their children will learn how to do things eventually because they are young and still trying to grasp some aspects of life.
  2. Unconditional love and praise. When a child does something exceptional, parents may easily overlook the event. However, good parenting entails praising positive behavior in order to motivate the child. Sometimes children may fall short—perhaps even most of the time—but parents must learn to love their children unconditionally. Love builds a rapport between children and their parents.
  3. Open, transparent, honest, and appropriate communication. Parents should create an environment where their children can interact openly, clearly, appropriately, and honestly. Effective communication is an essential tool for understanding what children need, and it helps parents figure out the best way to handle different situations.
  4. Show the child respect. People need to show respect to earn respect. Hence, the best way to teach children to respect their parents is to treat children with courtesy. Learn to converse with them politely, and pay attention when they try to communicate. Children learn to respond to different situations based on how their parents treat them.
  5. Avoid harsh discipline. Hitting children under any circumstance negatively affects their cognitive development. Studies show that children who have been hit, slapped, or spanked often turn out to be far more violent. Therefore, they are likely to be aggressive and may even turn into bullies.
  6. Foster independence. Parents should set limits in order to establish the value of self-control in their children. Children who learn self-control grow up to become independent individuals capable of making critical life decisions. However, parents should be careful not to wrongfully construe their children’s assertiveness as disobedience or rebellion.

Healthy, happy, and independent children are able to deal with life’s challenges. These habits should be nurtured while children are still young. Good parenting strategies will ensure that children develop well physically, mentally, and emotionally.

Good Parenting - Photo by Jonathan Daniels on Unsplash
Good Parenting – Photo by Jonathan Daniels on Unsplash


  • Dwivedi, Kedar Nath. “Enhancing Parenting Skills.” In Promotion of Mental Health. Vol. 7. Edited by Michael C. Murray and Colin A. Reed, 81–86. London: Routledge, 2017. E-book. Retrieved from https://www.taylorfrancis.com
  • Eve, Philippa M., Mitchell K. Byrne, and Cinzia R. Gagliardi. “What Is Good Parenting? The Perspectives of Different Professionals.” Family Court Review 52, no. 1 (2014): 114–127. Retrieved from https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com

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